Intro to Conscious EFT Summit

​​​​Episode 1

In this Summit series we show you:

  • what is emotional freedom techniques (also called EFT or tapping)
  • why bother learning EFT/Tapping in the first place
  • how EFT works 
  • how to do tapping safely by introducing it to your nervous system and biology one step at a time

In this first episode we discuss: 

  • who we are
  • what is emotional freedom techniques
  • how we each found EFT/Tapping… and totally ignored it at first
  • how EFT can bolster a disillusioned professional slump
  • how emotional freedom techniques could change your life:
  • personally and in your relationships, 
  • inside your corporate work, 
  • as a healthcare practitioner; and 
  • as a scientists.

We’d love to hear from you in our FB group.  When did you first discover EFT/Tapping?

Check out Jen's podcast and other work. 

Check out Nancy's trainings and work.